June 2021

Scores of People: Music for a Better World

This week, we are starting our new project ‘Scores of People: Music for a Better World’, which we’d like you to take part in. Using images, you will be able to compose and perform new music about how you would make the world a better place to share online. You will also be able to take part in a free all-ages concert in Cornwall later this summer, where you will be able to improvise music on our fun ‘noise stations’ by following graphic scores created by a group of five neurodiverse Cornish composers: Rory Bray Harper, Eddie Callis, Kate Perry, Oliver Goulding, and Kyle Coleman.

The theme is inspired by something called the G7 Summit, which is happening in Cornwall. At the G7 Summit, leaders from seven countries will talk about how they should “make the future fairer, greener and more prosperous” and “build back better from the coronavirus”. We think that everyone should talk about these things, and making art and music is a fantastic way to make your voices heard.

Last year we ran our first Scores of People project, which was featured on BBC 6 Music and in The Guardian. Lots of you took part – sending in hundreds of wonderful graphic scores, and we want you to take part in our new project inspired by the themes of the G7 Summit.

Watch this video to see how you can get involved (note: the theme for this project is 'music for a better world')

If you’ve ever wanted to write music to express yourself but haven’t known how, or you write music already but want to explore new ways to spark your creativity, then this new project is for you. You don’t need any musical experience.

You will compose and/or make music to graphic scores. A graphic score illustrates music in images or symbols, instead of using traditional notation. Find out how to take part below, and click here to find out more about what a graphic score is: https://moogiewonderland.co.uk/scores-of-people-what-is-a-graphic-score/

You will be able to share your work on our website (see below), and people will be able to see the graphic scores at the event in Cornwall during the summer.

1. Create a graphic score based on how you would make a better world

  • Ask yourself how you would make the world better: for example, you could think about nature, pollution and energy, poverty, fair trade, or equality
  • Compose your graphic score using images or words to express how you would make the world better (you could use drawing, painting, collage, animation, film, photography, text, sculpture) – find out about graphic scores by clicking here: https://moogiewonderland.co.uk/scores-of-people-what-is-a-graphic-score/

2. Perform and record a graphic score

  • Search the Instagram hashtag #ScoresOfPeople, or our gallery here: www.moogiewonderland.co.uk/music-for-a-better-world-graphic-score-gallery and find a graphic score that inspires you to think about making the world a better place
  • Try making music to it using anything you have (household items, instruments, or even build your own instruments – we have plenty of ideas on our website)
  • Record the music you make

3. Share your work! (#ScoresOfPeople)

  • If you’ve composed a graphic score share it for others to find so that they can perform it
  • If you’ve recorded a performance inspired by a graphic score, share it with the original image for others to hear
  • You can share your scores or recordings by:
    • Sharing them on Instagram using the hashtag #ScoresOfPeople and tagging @moogiewonderland
    • Sending graphic scores or links to audio files to info@moogiewonderland.co.uk – we will add them to the Gallery page and to our social media (files may take up to 48 hours to appear and are subject to our community standards).

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Our current projects are backed by Youth Music, Arts Council England and The National Lottery.

© 2025 Moogie Wonderland Ltd